In this mode, the only things that change in the gameplay is that healing items heal only 75% of their usual percentage and enemies can inflict 30% more damage to the player character. The mode makes a return in Outbreak File 2, Which can be purchased in the Store for 10000 Points after Finishing each Scenario in the game on the Very Hard difficulty.
This happens more often with the Lickers.
In this mode, enemies will cause a lot more damage, ammo and health items will become a lot more scarce, and usually with certain monsters, your health can be taken from Fine to Danger in one hit. Although the Rookie Mode was featured in the Gamecube and PlayStation versions, Nightmare Mode and Expert Mode are missing for unknown reasons. In Resident Evil 2, Nightmare Mode and Expert Mode are available only for the Dreamcast And Windows Ports. However, in exchange, the players will receive an increased amount of points for completing the scenarios. In this mode, Enemies will inflict up to twice the amount of damage and recovery items will only have an effectiveness of 75%. In the PlayStation 2 Exclusive Title, Resident Evil Outbreak File #2, It is also featured where it can be purchased for 1000 points after finishing every Level in Very Hard mode. Nightmare mode was first used in the Dreamcast and Windows ports of Resident Evil 2.
Nightmare Mode is a more advanced Difficulty level in the Resident Evil Series.